Revision 1.0, March 30, 2021
This is a standard form for NSL ELOG entry reporting tests which must be done prior to operation of the neutron generator. Check marks are required in every box indicating that each specific item has been verified as operational. All fields except "Comments" are mandatory.
Name of the operator
Run number (from RSO)
E-log accessible and operational
Computer display of the current state of the interlocks accessible and operational
WENDI stability verified based on Grafana reported data
Neutron dose rate in the past 5 hours accessible and operational
Gamma-ray rate in the past 1 hour accessible and operational
Latest saved gamma-ray spectrum accessible and operational
Audio alarm in the C7078 neutron generator vault operational
Audio alarm in the C7076.4 lab operational
Audio alarm in the C7086 mechanical room operational
Light indicators in the C7078 storage room verified
Light indicators in the C7076.4 lab verified
Light indicators at the door to C7076.4 lab verified
Light indicators at the door to C7086 mechanical room verified
Light indicators in the C7088 lab verified
Light indicators at the operation console in C7076.3 lab verified